Ok, so fortunately we're not the terrifying ghosts from the 1982 classic horror flick, or the more terrifying child! We're Yukon Spaces, a new Yukon based accommodations business. We're so new that right now, all we have is a bit of dirt on the corner of a street in Dawson City. But we have plans for that dirt and a few other patches of dirt in town. We hope to be able to bring some pretty cool offerings to to town. Over the next few years we will be developing short, medium and long term accommodation rental, everything from hotel rooms to townhouses.
We also think we're a pretty cool company and hopefully as we develop, we can get other people to think we're cool too. Just so you know that individually, no individual member of this company could be considered to be remotely cool, but as a group, we all bring our best and our worst and the company benefits from both. We ground everything we do in the values we hold. You can see who we are and what we stand for on our main website, but in short, we aim to be environmentally responsible, commercially sustainable, ethical and overall a "good company" for the world we inhabit, the people we work with, the people who use our services, and for those in our communities for whatever short time we are alive on this spinning rock.
This blog will not be super regular, but we will post as projects get off the ground and throughout their development.