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Did anyone order the HVAC?

Mike Ellis

This last couple of weeks has seen us getting ready for all the internal work while we finish off some of the smaller exterior jobs (smaller by comparison to everything we've already done). All of a sudden those jobs we'd been putting off because we had plenty of time have become pressing. In all our efforts to ensure that we obtained the right products for the building and use the suppliers that most closely fit our values, we realised we were running out of time. So... deliberations over... we have just placed orders for the signage on the front of the building, the new exterior door and the thing that will keep the internal air supply as fresh as Tombstone, our shiny new Energy Recovery Ventilation (ERV) unit.

One of the main reasons we chose to use ERV instead of more traditional HRV was to ensure we had humidity levels as comfortable as possible. I remember my first few weeks in Dawson in the dead of winter and the skin was falling off my legs because of the lack of any moisture in the air. Hopefully our guests won't experience that! It should also provide us with a very energy efficient way to provide clean, fresh air to the building. With all the wiring and ducting ready to go, it's just the unit that's missing, if everything goes according to plan though, in a short couple of weeks we will have the unit installed and ready to go! The electrical installation is nearing completion and the utility room where the ERV will be housed is almost complete. We're cooking on gas! (Ok, not gas and not cooking as we don't have kitchens but we're on fire... also not a good analogy... We're doing well)

And now we can also start concentrating on some of the detail inside. So we started doing the first coats of some of the paintwork. We've laid new floor boarding and we've fixed up the door frames. And perhaps a little prematurely, we made up a bathroom sink and unit because.. well we got excited! We're also getting the front of the building ready for the sign, lighting and what we hope is going to be an awesome addition to the 3rd avenue streetscape... we're calling it "Street Art".

Ok, so not that imaginative a name but hopefully descriptive enough to understand what we're going for. Those 2 big red circles are highlighting the space where fake windows used to live. We wanted to do something a little different. With the number of phenomenal artists in town and such a vibrant art culture, we are hoping that these blank canvasses will entice some of our artistic residents to add some vibrance and life to this part of 3rd Avenue. We're going to be holding an annual competition for the "best" installation. The aim is to have 2 different artists have their "window" for 6 months at a time. The panels are removable so the art can be kept by the artist or if they are interested, they can receive enquiries for purchase by the people who pass by or stay at Dawson Lodge. We put a call out on Facebook, hopefully a few people take the bait for this free outdoor exhibition space.

So... that's where we are at. Progress on the renovations and starting to develop the Dawson Lodge model of community integration. We hope that over the next few weeks, the interior progress will start to mirror everything that's been happening on the outside and to the structure of the building. Who know's maybe we might still manage an open house while there is still sun visible in the sky!

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